Friday 8 August 2014

What a fabulous weekend!

Here's to a fabulous weekend. Tim Peaks Diner really is like a magnet. The amp is switched on, the circuit complete and the people come running. Kendal Calling, 2014, really was a weekend 'Beyond the Stars'. Now for a few photos...
Arriving at the wrong entrance in the pouring rain. All part of the fun!

Tim Peaks diner counter. Look at the cakes!

View of the tents.

Watching Suede. Fabulous view... ;)

Tim Peaks Diner looking cooool.

View from Tim Peaks terrace

Feeling rather special - free food!

Tiny Tim Peaks - where the cool kids go!
Space make up!

Tim Peaks tattoo!

Firework finale!

Wow. It's definitely safe to say we've had a brilliant weekend. Tim Peaks Diner might just be the best place ever. Let's all go live there!


This cosmic shoegaze gang took to the stage behind a vast array of electrical equipment, bringing along a couple of guitars for good measure. Featuring Pete Fowler, designer of Tim Peaks cups, they certainly are a talented bunch and amazing things were expected.

Amazing things were delivered, and more!

On stage for about an hour, they fiddled with dials and knobs, doing who knows what but creating phenomenal results all the same. As usual, the diner attracted a large crowd, who let the dreamy tunes seep into them, whilst 'gently moshing' along, a term which describes this situation perfectly.

The final song of the set arrived only too soon, but the fun wasn't over. Oh no! Onto the stage came Tim Burgess, handing out nods of 'hello' in all directions. Tim sings on Seahawks' new album, Paradise Freaks, and we got to hear 'Look at the Sun'. Tim's beautiful vocals are more than a perfect match for Seahawks. As he softly crooned over the top of the electronic beats, the notes intertwined and delved deep inside of you.

This was a spectacular performance. Seahawks are fabulous.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Tim Burgess Interview!

Wow. Despite Tim's super busy weekend, we were lucky enough to get an interview with him. Here's what he had to say (including mentions of Tim Book Two and the new Charlatans album!)...

Me, Tim and Loryn in the diner.

First of all, how was your Cumbria, Umbria, Cumbria weekend?
Oh yeah, it was pretty good! Here, then Italy. I did a Charlatans show, sang with Paul Weller on 'A Town Called Mallice', then straight back here. I've just DJ'ed with some really great dancers.

What's it like having your own diner at Kendal Calling?

It's brilliant, yeah. It's 3 years now and everyone seems to think it's good for another.

Which bands did you choose to play at Tim Peaks?

All of them!

Yesterday we saw Kitch and we were talking to them. They told us you had been listening to them whilst recording the new Charlatans album. *laugher from Tim*. Have they influenced you in any way and could you tell us a bit about your other influences on the new album?

I don't know whether Kitch have really influenced us or anything, but Nick (Tim's friend and diner organiser extraordinaire) and I were sat next to each other. Nick had his laptop open and he was going 'What do you think of this?', 'What do you think of this?', 'What do you think of this?' and it was Kitch. I said, 'Yeah, it's good', and we were in our studio! The Charlatans album... we try to, any time something sounded like something else we got rid of it. It sounds like, us! In 2014!

We heard that it's called International Space Station.

What - the album?

Yeah. Is that true?

Yeah! *Tim laughs*. Well, it might as well be for today! It isn't, but it can be.

Is that its code name?

Yeah, that's right. It's called... erm,  Milk & Eggs. (The Charlatans are on to a winner with that one...)

We've heard Baby Huey. (Tim asks how, if anyone else is wondering it is on Youtube at the Brudenell). How did you choose the code name Baby Huey?

There's an artist from the early '70s and he's on the Curtom Label. That's Curtis Mayfield's label. We were just going through some records, I was maybe DJing or something and I played a Baby Huey record. The song just got that name. It's no reference to any particular Baby Huey track. It doesn't sound like him or anything. The song is still called something 'baby'. It's not a very original title but it's a bangin' song.

And what's your favourite Charlatans song today?

Yeah, it changes all the time, doesn't it? I really enjoyed playing 'Here Comes a Soul Saver' yesterday, so it has to be that.

Now for DJing. What's your favourite song to play?

Hmm... 'Nothing but a Heartache' by The Flirtations. That's a good one. I enjoyed that one tonight.

How's O Genesis going? (OGEN is Tim's record label, ran alongside Nick, Nik and Jim)

Yeah, good. I mean, it's kind of funny. We tend to have most releases towards the end of the year at the moment. We set out working really hard at the beginning of the year, then Summertime is all about Tim Peaks. Then the Autumn and Winter is all about O Genesis, so we've got about 4 or 5 releases coming up. A band called Drohne, we're hoping to put Hot Vestry out and Ian Rankin out, finally. I've got a remix 12" coming out with the Peaking Lights version of Oh Men. Grumbling Fur... and there's a few more remixes. Gillian's doing one at the moment. (Gillian from New Order, that is)

How's Tim Book Two coming along?

Oh! Really good. Just loads and loads of sheets of paper everywhere. Some of them are screwed up but most of them are not.

Could you tell us a bit about Totes Amazeballs?

Where do you want to start? Totes Amazeballs! I sent a tweet out to Kellogs, saying "Wouldn't it be great to make something called Totes Amazeballs?", and they gave us carte blanche of any kind of ingredients from the back catalogue that we wanted! Then we added some sprinkles on top, chocolate and extra marshmallows! We decided if we were going to do anything, we'd like to design the box ourselves. So, we got a friend of ours who is a designer and gave him a job. It's not really available in shops unfortunately, because it made people's heads explode! If you're going to try it, be careful. That's my only advice!

Finally, why are cows so awesome?

Ay? They're just beautiful creatures. They've got beautiful eyes and nice milk. If I could be any breed of cow, it'd be a Friesian. I don't know many breeds though.

Thanks Tim for the wonderful interview! If you don't already, which I'm sure you probably do, follow him on Twitter: @Tim_Burgess.

Bye for now :)

Tim Burgess DJ set

Selfie with Tim at 2 in the morning.
Just a little bit tired!

Cumbria, Umbria and back to Cumbria. The only one I know had arrived, ready to play Tim Peaks diner! As the final midnight hour approached, I really couldn't contain my excitement. Tim Burgess was about to DJ in front of my very eyes. I could not have been happier.

Shuffling casually onto the stage after Seahawks had departed, Tim came on clutching two CDs. That's all he'd brought, but those two CDs contained a great selection of songs. Right from the start, Tim had the audience in the palm of his hand, as they grooved the night away to each and every song. As usual, the diner was packed, with crazed 'Charlafans' and good music seekers alike.

As Tim was playing songs that were perfect for dancing along to, a few Wigan Young Souls returned for more. Audience, DJ and 'northern soul soulies' together: dancing the night away. Despite several interruptions by those wanting a photo, who more often than not sent the DJ decks flying, Tim joined the crowd in sheer elation, singing along and twisting and turning to the fabulous beats. Several of Tim's signature hair swishes even featured before this hour long set was out.

A great mix of songs were played, but I have to say my favourite was 'Seven Day Fool'. It's just perfect for singing along to. A bit of bopping doesn't go amiss as well! This song was so good it even got a second spin. Wow!

All in all, this was a fabulous DJ set by a fabulous DJ. Over to Tim... this tweet sums the night up perfectly!

Tweet by Tim and photo of the crowd.


Coming up next is an interview with Tim. Exciting!

Chris Cross, the Geordie magician

Due to a busy schedule, Tim Burgess was running late and despite many posts of a new schedule, a lot of people just didn’t get the message in time. This meant that a lot of people turned up to the see the legendary Tim Burgess DJ and instead were faced with a magician.

This could have been quite problematic for Chris Cross, a famous magician from Newcastle Upon Tyne, but he took it in his stride, using it to capture his audience's attention and managed well to put on a good show. 

Chris was a very funny guy, he brought members of the audience into his set, including myself, and came up with this hilarious idea, to pretend he was preaching, in order to confuse the other Kendal Callers who were outside the Diner and make them wonder why we were cheering so loud.

As a magician he of course started with a traditional set of card tricks, which were amazing. We still have no idea how he did them. He then went on to "learn" a trick in front of the audience. Whilst doing this all seemed to be going wrong but the ending turned out magnificent and we were in awe, having no idea how had done it after seemingly "struggling". A few other gags were thrown in such a "slicing his arm" which of course he showed us to be a fake knife.

Finally, Chris Cross got on with his final act, escaping a strait jacket and beating his record of 1 minute 30 seconds, which he managed to do with 1 second to spare, stunning the crowd.

Overall Chris Cross was a fantastic magician who handled the situation thrust upon him with ease. He performed acts without flaws and as all great magicians do, without revealing how he did it. 


Hot Vestry

Hot Vestry, 3pm on Sunday afternoon.

By this point, I was rapidly running out of energy and my eyes were beginning to feel very heavy. Sunday afternoon is always one for peace and quiet, or so you might hope for. Not today it wasn't! 

Hot Vestry on stage
Hot Vestry took to the stage of the diner a little after 3. Being loved by Tim Burgess (and hopefully released on OGEN soon) I was more than a bit excited to catch them. Great things were promised!

Sadly, the set was lacking in energy. This may have had something to do with the rather lethargic audience, who seemed zoned out and in search of coffee. Despite trying hard, they just couldn't get everyone up and dancing. However, if the crowd were feeling anything like me, it was a pleasure just to sit and chill out whilst Hot Vestry let their fabulous tunes wash over you. Gillian from New Order even came to watch at one point, showing this band really do have talent.

They certainly are a great 4 piece and they look the part, with their moody dress sense and stage presence. If only the audience had of been given an energy shot then this set would have more than delivered. The band were on point if a little dazed too, and all in all this was a brilliant performance.

Next time they need to be on a little later and in slightly darker conditions. Hey, then it will be amazing! :D

The Tapestry

The Tapestry on stage. Before it got wild.

On Friday, after gaining our bearings of the festival site, or at least after we thought we had, we went back to Tim Peaks to settle down with an ice tea and quietly observe the next band performing.  Having no previous experience with The Tapestry or any of their gigs we had no idea what to expect.

Before we even stepped through the muddy entrance to Tim Peaks, we were handed numerous pin badges promoting the band. Free badges? Great start, we were beginning to like them already.

Within minutes of starting the Manchester quartet had all of Tim Peaks on their feet rocking along to their amazing set. The place was packed to the brim with not only regular ‘Kendal Callers’ but with The Tapestry’s own dedicated fans, who sang along to every word that the main vocalist, Liam, sang. We couldn’t understand how we hadn’t heard of them before, they were great, clearly as seen by their besotted fans taking over the diner.

 Dressed casually the bassist, Katy, rocked out seemingly enjoying the great atmosphere the band created in the Diner. The whole band seemed laid back and comfortable, really focused on their songs and putting on a great performance, which they did plus more.  Their gig was enjoyed by all who saw them, not a bored or un-amused face in the room.           

As normal, the residents of Tim Peaks loved the whole set and couldn’t be happier with another great band that Tim Burgess had yet again chosen extremely well. 
