Thursday, 7 August 2014

The Everly Pregnant Brothers

Before we caught Dave Haslam's legendary DJ set at midnight on Saturday night, we watched, well more like chanted along with the crowd at the Everly Pregnant Brothers gig in the diner. This group from Sheffield, with their own comedy take on popular songs, were fantastic.

 The diner was packed and as the set went on, the crowd got more and more squished, people resorted to dancing on the tables, literally.

 You could just about make out the voice of self-proclaimed "Fat Shaun", through the shouts and roars of the crowd attempting to sing along, enjoying the set so much. Well known songs by the Everly Pregnant Brothers were played such as "Chav World", a comedy take on the song Mad World by Tears For Fears, and also "Chip Pan on Fire", a crowd pleaser and a favourite of ours. Tea towels printed with the line "ME CHIP PAN'S ON FIRE - DIAL 999" were thrown into the crowd for fans to fight over.

 Anyone who tried to get in to Tim Peaks, during this set would have found it extremely difficult, in fact, impossible. The diner was packed to the brim with fans of all ages, from early 20s to late 50s. People were everywhere you looked, you couldn’t move for fans cheering, singing and pushing for a look at the Everly Pregnant Brothers. People were even hanging from the window ledge outside the diner, straining to catch a glimpse of the eclectic ukulele band.

 All in all it was a great night enjoyed by everyone in the diner and anyone in the surrounding field. From the flying tea towels to the burning chip pans, everyone loved the Everly Pregnant Brothers and their comedic take on well-known songs. I know I will definitely be buying their album.



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