Saturday 2 August 2014

Pusher and more!

Here is a short post written yesterday and continued today...

Earlier today we saw Pusher. The atmosphere in the diner was fabulous and the tunes had the entire audience foot tapping and swaying along to the beat in great admiration. Afterwards we interviewed the band and discovered they were down to Earth and up for a laugh. Full review and interview coming soon!

Now for The Tapestry, they are off to a great badges!

The Tapestry put  on an amazing show that, quite frankly, couldn't be faltered! Tim  Peaks Diner was close to lift off as the majority of the audience jumped for the stars in complete admiration. The band have an unrivalled stage presence  and  packed the diner,  almost beyond bursting point. What a fabulous hour!

We also had a chat with David Haslam, followed by watching him DJ in the House Party. A full review of that will be coming soon, but for now I can tell you...

It was a DJ set of epic proportion.

Earlier we caught Dave Haslam interviewing Andrew Mueller. It was an inspirational and amusing hour!

Now for Kitch and the atmosphere is one of foot tapping  and Saturday afternoon enthusiasm.

Bye for now, more later!  :)
(oh and Pop Recs have arrived with their fabulous tunes!)


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