Friday, 8 August 2014

What a fabulous weekend!

Here's to a fabulous weekend. Tim Peaks Diner really is like a magnet. The amp is switched on, the circuit complete and the people come running. Kendal Calling, 2014, really was a weekend 'Beyond the Stars'. Now for a few photos...
Arriving at the wrong entrance in the pouring rain. All part of the fun!

Tim Peaks diner counter. Look at the cakes!

View of the tents.

Watching Suede. Fabulous view... ;)

Tim Peaks Diner looking cooool.

View from Tim Peaks terrace

Feeling rather special - free food!

Tiny Tim Peaks - where the cool kids go!
Space make up!

Tim Peaks tattoo!

Firework finale!

Wow. It's definitely safe to say we've had a brilliant weekend. Tim Peaks Diner might just be the best place ever. Let's all go live there!


This cosmic shoegaze gang took to the stage behind a vast array of electrical equipment, bringing along a couple of guitars for good measure. Featuring Pete Fowler, designer of Tim Peaks cups, they certainly are a talented bunch and amazing things were expected.

Amazing things were delivered, and more!

On stage for about an hour, they fiddled with dials and knobs, doing who knows what but creating phenomenal results all the same. As usual, the diner attracted a large crowd, who let the dreamy tunes seep into them, whilst 'gently moshing' along, a term which describes this situation perfectly.

The final song of the set arrived only too soon, but the fun wasn't over. Oh no! Onto the stage came Tim Burgess, handing out nods of 'hello' in all directions. Tim sings on Seahawks' new album, Paradise Freaks, and we got to hear 'Look at the Sun'. Tim's beautiful vocals are more than a perfect match for Seahawks. As he softly crooned over the top of the electronic beats, the notes intertwined and delved deep inside of you.

This was a spectacular performance. Seahawks are fabulous.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Tim Burgess Interview!

Wow. Despite Tim's super busy weekend, we were lucky enough to get an interview with him. Here's what he had to say (including mentions of Tim Book Two and the new Charlatans album!)...

Me, Tim and Loryn in the diner.

First of all, how was your Cumbria, Umbria, Cumbria weekend?
Oh yeah, it was pretty good! Here, then Italy. I did a Charlatans show, sang with Paul Weller on 'A Town Called Mallice', then straight back here. I've just DJ'ed with some really great dancers.

What's it like having your own diner at Kendal Calling?

It's brilliant, yeah. It's 3 years now and everyone seems to think it's good for another.

Which bands did you choose to play at Tim Peaks?

All of them!

Yesterday we saw Kitch and we were talking to them. They told us you had been listening to them whilst recording the new Charlatans album. *laugher from Tim*. Have they influenced you in any way and could you tell us a bit about your other influences on the new album?

I don't know whether Kitch have really influenced us or anything, but Nick (Tim's friend and diner organiser extraordinaire) and I were sat next to each other. Nick had his laptop open and he was going 'What do you think of this?', 'What do you think of this?', 'What do you think of this?' and it was Kitch. I said, 'Yeah, it's good', and we were in our studio! The Charlatans album... we try to, any time something sounded like something else we got rid of it. It sounds like, us! In 2014!

We heard that it's called International Space Station.

What - the album?

Yeah. Is that true?

Yeah! *Tim laughs*. Well, it might as well be for today! It isn't, but it can be.

Is that its code name?

Yeah, that's right. It's called... erm,  Milk & Eggs. (The Charlatans are on to a winner with that one...)

We've heard Baby Huey. (Tim asks how, if anyone else is wondering it is on Youtube at the Brudenell). How did you choose the code name Baby Huey?

There's an artist from the early '70s and he's on the Curtom Label. That's Curtis Mayfield's label. We were just going through some records, I was maybe DJing or something and I played a Baby Huey record. The song just got that name. It's no reference to any particular Baby Huey track. It doesn't sound like him or anything. The song is still called something 'baby'. It's not a very original title but it's a bangin' song.

And what's your favourite Charlatans song today?

Yeah, it changes all the time, doesn't it? I really enjoyed playing 'Here Comes a Soul Saver' yesterday, so it has to be that.

Now for DJing. What's your favourite song to play?

Hmm... 'Nothing but a Heartache' by The Flirtations. That's a good one. I enjoyed that one tonight.

How's O Genesis going? (OGEN is Tim's record label, ran alongside Nick, Nik and Jim)

Yeah, good. I mean, it's kind of funny. We tend to have most releases towards the end of the year at the moment. We set out working really hard at the beginning of the year, then Summertime is all about Tim Peaks. Then the Autumn and Winter is all about O Genesis, so we've got about 4 or 5 releases coming up. A band called Drohne, we're hoping to put Hot Vestry out and Ian Rankin out, finally. I've got a remix 12" coming out with the Peaking Lights version of Oh Men. Grumbling Fur... and there's a few more remixes. Gillian's doing one at the moment. (Gillian from New Order, that is)

How's Tim Book Two coming along?

Oh! Really good. Just loads and loads of sheets of paper everywhere. Some of them are screwed up but most of them are not.

Could you tell us a bit about Totes Amazeballs?

Where do you want to start? Totes Amazeballs! I sent a tweet out to Kellogs, saying "Wouldn't it be great to make something called Totes Amazeballs?", and they gave us carte blanche of any kind of ingredients from the back catalogue that we wanted! Then we added some sprinkles on top, chocolate and extra marshmallows! We decided if we were going to do anything, we'd like to design the box ourselves. So, we got a friend of ours who is a designer and gave him a job. It's not really available in shops unfortunately, because it made people's heads explode! If you're going to try it, be careful. That's my only advice!

Finally, why are cows so awesome?

Ay? They're just beautiful creatures. They've got beautiful eyes and nice milk. If I could be any breed of cow, it'd be a Friesian. I don't know many breeds though.

Thanks Tim for the wonderful interview! If you don't already, which I'm sure you probably do, follow him on Twitter: @Tim_Burgess.

Bye for now :)

Tim Burgess DJ set

Selfie with Tim at 2 in the morning.
Just a little bit tired!

Cumbria, Umbria and back to Cumbria. The only one I know had arrived, ready to play Tim Peaks diner! As the final midnight hour approached, I really couldn't contain my excitement. Tim Burgess was about to DJ in front of my very eyes. I could not have been happier.

Shuffling casually onto the stage after Seahawks had departed, Tim came on clutching two CDs. That's all he'd brought, but those two CDs contained a great selection of songs. Right from the start, Tim had the audience in the palm of his hand, as they grooved the night away to each and every song. As usual, the diner was packed, with crazed 'Charlafans' and good music seekers alike.

As Tim was playing songs that were perfect for dancing along to, a few Wigan Young Souls returned for more. Audience, DJ and 'northern soul soulies' together: dancing the night away. Despite several interruptions by those wanting a photo, who more often than not sent the DJ decks flying, Tim joined the crowd in sheer elation, singing along and twisting and turning to the fabulous beats. Several of Tim's signature hair swishes even featured before this hour long set was out.

A great mix of songs were played, but I have to say my favourite was 'Seven Day Fool'. It's just perfect for singing along to. A bit of bopping doesn't go amiss as well! This song was so good it even got a second spin. Wow!

All in all, this was a fabulous DJ set by a fabulous DJ. Over to Tim... this tweet sums the night up perfectly!

Tweet by Tim and photo of the crowd.


Coming up next is an interview with Tim. Exciting!

Chris Cross, the Geordie magician

Due to a busy schedule, Tim Burgess was running late and despite many posts of a new schedule, a lot of people just didn’t get the message in time. This meant that a lot of people turned up to the see the legendary Tim Burgess DJ and instead were faced with a magician.

This could have been quite problematic for Chris Cross, a famous magician from Newcastle Upon Tyne, but he took it in his stride, using it to capture his audience's attention and managed well to put on a good show. 

Chris was a very funny guy, he brought members of the audience into his set, including myself, and came up with this hilarious idea, to pretend he was preaching, in order to confuse the other Kendal Callers who were outside the Diner and make them wonder why we were cheering so loud.

As a magician he of course started with a traditional set of card tricks, which were amazing. We still have no idea how he did them. He then went on to "learn" a trick in front of the audience. Whilst doing this all seemed to be going wrong but the ending turned out magnificent and we were in awe, having no idea how had done it after seemingly "struggling". A few other gags were thrown in such a "slicing his arm" which of course he showed us to be a fake knife.

Finally, Chris Cross got on with his final act, escaping a strait jacket and beating his record of 1 minute 30 seconds, which he managed to do with 1 second to spare, stunning the crowd.

Overall Chris Cross was a fantastic magician who handled the situation thrust upon him with ease. He performed acts without flaws and as all great magicians do, without revealing how he did it. 


Hot Vestry

Hot Vestry, 3pm on Sunday afternoon.

By this point, I was rapidly running out of energy and my eyes were beginning to feel very heavy. Sunday afternoon is always one for peace and quiet, or so you might hope for. Not today it wasn't! 

Hot Vestry on stage
Hot Vestry took to the stage of the diner a little after 3. Being loved by Tim Burgess (and hopefully released on OGEN soon) I was more than a bit excited to catch them. Great things were promised!

Sadly, the set was lacking in energy. This may have had something to do with the rather lethargic audience, who seemed zoned out and in search of coffee. Despite trying hard, they just couldn't get everyone up and dancing. However, if the crowd were feeling anything like me, it was a pleasure just to sit and chill out whilst Hot Vestry let their fabulous tunes wash over you. Gillian from New Order even came to watch at one point, showing this band really do have talent.

They certainly are a great 4 piece and they look the part, with their moody dress sense and stage presence. If only the audience had of been given an energy shot then this set would have more than delivered. The band were on point if a little dazed too, and all in all this was a brilliant performance.

Next time they need to be on a little later and in slightly darker conditions. Hey, then it will be amazing! :D

The Tapestry

The Tapestry on stage. Before it got wild.

On Friday, after gaining our bearings of the festival site, or at least after we thought we had, we went back to Tim Peaks to settle down with an ice tea and quietly observe the next band performing.  Having no previous experience with The Tapestry or any of their gigs we had no idea what to expect.

Before we even stepped through the muddy entrance to Tim Peaks, we were handed numerous pin badges promoting the band. Free badges? Great start, we were beginning to like them already.

Within minutes of starting the Manchester quartet had all of Tim Peaks on their feet rocking along to their amazing set. The place was packed to the brim with not only regular ‘Kendal Callers’ but with The Tapestry’s own dedicated fans, who sang along to every word that the main vocalist, Liam, sang. We couldn’t understand how we hadn’t heard of them before, they were great, clearly as seen by their besotted fans taking over the diner.

 Dressed casually the bassist, Katy, rocked out seemingly enjoying the great atmosphere the band created in the Diner. The whole band seemed laid back and comfortable, really focused on their songs and putting on a great performance, which they did plus more.  Their gig was enjoyed by all who saw them, not a bored or un-amused face in the room.           

As normal, the residents of Tim Peaks loved the whole set and couldn’t be happier with another great band that Tim Burgess had yet again chosen extremely well. 


The Everly Pregnant Brothers

Before we caught Dave Haslam's legendary DJ set at midnight on Saturday night, we watched, well more like chanted along with the crowd at the Everly Pregnant Brothers gig in the diner. This group from Sheffield, with their own comedy take on popular songs, were fantastic.

 The diner was packed and as the set went on, the crowd got more and more squished, people resorted to dancing on the tables, literally.

 You could just about make out the voice of self-proclaimed "Fat Shaun", through the shouts and roars of the crowd attempting to sing along, enjoying the set so much. Well known songs by the Everly Pregnant Brothers were played such as "Chav World", a comedy take on the song Mad World by Tears For Fears, and also "Chip Pan on Fire", a crowd pleaser and a favourite of ours. Tea towels printed with the line "ME CHIP PAN'S ON FIRE - DIAL 999" were thrown into the crowd for fans to fight over.

 Anyone who tried to get in to Tim Peaks, during this set would have found it extremely difficult, in fact, impossible. The diner was packed to the brim with fans of all ages, from early 20s to late 50s. People were everywhere you looked, you couldn’t move for fans cheering, singing and pushing for a look at the Everly Pregnant Brothers. People were even hanging from the window ledge outside the diner, straining to catch a glimpse of the eclectic ukulele band.

 All in all it was a great night enjoyed by everyone in the diner and anyone in the surrounding field. From the flying tea towels to the burning chip pans, everyone loved the Everly Pregnant Brothers and their comedic take on well-known songs. I know I will definitely be buying their album.


Tony Husband

Tony Husband is a BRILLIANT cartoonist. We caught him at 12 on the Sunday and unsure what to expect, stood a bit away from the stage, behind excited fans and those there for their morning coffee.

First, Tony began with a talk about his cartoon book, detailing the struggles of dementia in a comic but poignant way. This book has helped so many families suffering from dementia and is certainly  a great achievement. We were also shown how easy it is to draw a range of animals using pretty much the same structure for all.

After breaking the ice a bit, Tony got the audience involved too, which led to hilarious results! We were invited to shout out what we'd like drawn. This gained a variety of responses, ranging from the hilarious 'A FROG IN MY TENT' to a drawing of Tim Peaks very own creator, Tim Burgess! All were fabulous and had each and every diner guest laughing and smiling along. What a brilliant start to Sunday morning. My favourite was a sketch of a cat doing his business in somebody's garden, see below. It really was hilarious. One thing that surprised me was Tony's spontaneity. Just shout out what you want drawn, and less than a minute later, tadaaa! There it is. In front of your very eyes. Amazing.

Here are a few things Tony drew during the talk...

The fabulous cat cartoon

The mud at Kendal Calling

Tim Burgess
Tony also drew a fabulous cartoon for me. We took the Kendal Calling space theme as our inspiration...
It's Tim and I in Tim Peaks Diner as a spaceship! Wow. So amazing! Expect to see it on the blog homepage as soon as we figure out how to do such complex things.

Tim Peaks Diner featuring Katie and Tim!
Big thanks to Tony!

We also got to interview him. Here it is...

Could you tell me a little about your artistic process?

How I think... Well, basically, I draw very fast, which is a gift I think. I'm very prolific. I just go into my studio and if I've got nothing specific to do, I'll just lie on the couch with a blank piece of paper, and cross it off into about six squares. Then I just draw and come up with ideas, things that spring to my mind. I then jot them down and leave them for a couple of days and then go back. If they're still funny, I draw them up and try to sell them. So, you give it a bit of time, as an idea you have might not be as funny a few days later. I don't know where the ideas come from, I just know I can create ideas from nothing, and I've made a living from it which is great.

Your cartoons here were very spontaneous, are they always like this?

They seem to be. People say where do you get your ideas from but they're just there. I don't know where they're from and I don't want to either. If I start worrying about it, it might just disappear, so I'm just glad it's there. There's a big lake of ideas that I'm tapped into. I think whilst I draw,  I can multi-task: think, talk and draw! That's about the only thing I can multi-task with.

How did you get into drawing?

From being at school, I always loved drawing. I'd have liked to have been an artist but I was always more of a natural cartoonist. I used to read Punch magazine and Private Eye and wish I could do that as it seemed such a great way to make a living. I started selling cartoons, then my name and style became recognised and it just took off! Private Eye helps, definitely.

What key features of a person or object do you take when making a cartoon?

It's the personality, really. I'm not a people watcher particularly, although we all are. I must subconsciously see someone and just start drawing. I see a situation really. Couples together, for example, and I weigh up the situation. That's how I do it. It's all about the people.

Finally, what's your favourite cartoon to draw?

My favourite cartoon... I love drawing Yobs in Private Eye. There's also one of two soldiers in a castle in Medieval times. The soldiers are looking down on a conservatory attached to the castle. The King and Queen are sat there, drinking wine. The soldiers are saying, "Yes, it looks very nice, but defensively, I think it's going to be our weak spot". That's probably my favourite.

Thanks Tony! You're a great guy and your cartoons are fabulous.

Special guests!

On the Sunday, Tim Peaks became a sort of stopping point for several famous faces. We met Nico, who plays Finn in My Mad Fat Diary, Gillian from New Order and even Steve from The Fall. Wow!

We were lucky enough to talk to Gillian and asked her about her favourite festival experiences. I was quite surprised to hear that she didn't go to too many festivals. However, she does really like Portmeirion and can't wait for Festival No. 6 this year. I wonder if that has anything to do with Tim Peaks being there? :) She remembers going to Glastonbury in the past and comparatively, thinks that Kendal Calling is like a little community with a brilliant feel.

We asked what her favourite New Order song was and she responded saying she always gets asked this but never knows what to say! She likes 'Sunrise' for sentimental reasons, especially considering it's one of their first songs.

Steve has a new book coming out called The Big Midweek. We asked him to tell us a little bit about it, and found out it was about getting in to music, growing up, punk music and being in The Fall for 20 years. Exciting! His favourite Fall song is 'Billy's dead' and he'd arrived at Kendal Calling early on the Friday morning. So far, he'd had a brilliant time at the festival, with his highlights being Suede on the main stage and The Lottery Winners.

It was great to meet these guys and they were all lovely!

Loryn and Nico

A DJ Set of Epic Proportion

Dave Haslam in Tim Peaks Diner. The midnight hour, Day 2.
A DJ Set of Epic Proportion.
DJing. Too much dancing to get a proper photo!

We saw a lot of Dave over the weekend, mainly because he was everywhere. Present on just about every stage (3, anyway) wherever we turned, he was already there. That's no bad thing! It's definitely safe to say that Dave is a bit of a legend. Especially his DJing. He really does know how to make everyone dance. Well, only the ones he wants to dance... you know, we have to get rid of all those 'dodgies' ruining the mood!

Despite his surprise at being given a 'real' DJ set in Tim Peaks, rather than a relaxed 3pm in the afternoon slot, Dave turned up ready to roll. He was again dressed casually, rocking up with his CD wallet and oozing energy. The set predominantly consisted of brilliant dance numbers and the crowd were a loud and energetic bunch. Aside from Loryn and I, who at 16, were rather an exception to the average, the crowd was mainly aged mid 20's and above.

Throughout the set, dance conditions became more and more cramped as many millions of guests struggled to get in. The grass outside was full. Hey, guests were even trying to get in through the windows! It was at this point even the tables began to crowd surf, as they politely made their way outside to give all the partying guests that little bit more space, assisted by none other than Nick, of course. What generous tables!
Partying guests
Tim Peaks really does know how to party. Guests at the back were climbing on chairs, arms were flying and the entire audience bopped up and down to the ace beats coming from the speakers. Midnight is perhaps my new favourite time. Spectacular things always happen at midnight, especially where Tim Peaks is concerned!

On Sunday we caught up with Dave again, and asked him what his highlight to the weekend had been. After several seconds of thought, Dave replied. It had been the final song of his DJ set in Tim Peaks. At 2am in the morning, the entire crowd sang along to Sweet Disposition. He had a moment with the audience and wouldn't soon forget it. We knew it had been a night to remember and here Dave was, confirming what was already set in stone.

Thanks Dave! We really can't wait to see you again.

Frankie & The Heartstrings

Setlist from the gig

Frankie & The Heartstrings: what a band. Taking to the stage in an already packed out 'garden shed', these guys gave it their very best and more. With the most stage banter we'd seen all day, including calling each other 'cosmic owls' and worse, they really were something you just did not want to miss.

The band played a fantastic mix of songs, ranging from old to new, with my personal favourites being 'Ungrateful' and 'Berlin Calls'. 'Ungrateful' saw Frankie jump up on the amps pointing frantically at the audience: 'I wrote this song with you in mind'. His vocals really do have a way of getting inside of you and that's what makes it so special.

Amongst the more normal, human members of the audience, there were several green and purple glittery aliens present. No joke! Earlier, Dave Haslam told us that the audience can tell you a lot about the band. So, what have we learnt? Frankie & The Heartstrings are clearly aliens. Or maybe their music is just out of this world. Who knows? It's anyone's guess. What I can tell you for sure is this: human or alien, everyone was bouncing along and well impressed by the brilliant tunes.

Featuring Ross 'the pad' Millard from The Futureheads, the band's self proclaimed claim to fame, these guys really know how to whip up a crowd into a frenzy. Looking rather cramped on this tiny stage, they were dressed casual but cool, not that anyone cared. It was all about the music. And boy, was the music amazing!

To borrow a quote from their music video 'Hunger', we were left "hungry for more" after the fabulous set this band played. See you again soon!

Frankie & The Heartstrings running mini Pop Recs
Afterwards, we caught up with the band for a quick interview in their rather shrunken Pop Recs shop. Here's what they had to say...

What was it like playing in Tim Peaks diner?

Frankie: It was very good; it was like doing a gig in a garden shed with loads of people there. And loads of naked ladies. Not really! Loads of naked men.

Was it what you expected?

F: Not really, like. I thought it would be like playing in a cafรฉ. We once played in a restaurant in Berlin and I was expecting it to be a little bit like that. People were actually having their tea whilst we were playing! But that didn't happen here, everyone was really up for a gig.
Michael: There was a baby looking through the window which was weird for us. It had like industrial strength ear phones!

What is your favourite song to play live?

F: Love on the Rocks by Neil Diamond. I love singing that one in the shower! Apart from that, I like playing our new girl, which is called 'Anna', and it's going to be on our new record, out next year. That's right - 2015!

What's it like having Pop Records? (Pop Recs is their very own record shop in Sunderland)

Dave: Well, let me tell you!
F: Talk to Dave, he's the librarian there, so... he's the janitor!
D: It's called Pop Recs.
F: You're in a smaller version now.
M: It's like running a mental health drop in centre, essentially. People come in and we get really scared because they've got knives. Every morning, we have a little cry because we're getting tax bills that we can't pay. But apart from that, it's class! Every now and then we have great bands on and it's better. We've had some really special nights.
D: We should really start charging for that!
M: We should. We have to live like Mahatma Gandhi at the minute.
D: Who is Mad hatter Mc Gandhi? (I couldn't tell you Dave, sorry!)
M: You know Gandhi, he's got a vegan food stall!

How do you choose the bands who come to play?

F: They've got to be able to play guitar or any instrument and that's it really. There's no prerequisite. Anyone can play, who wants to play a gig. Everyone should be able to play a gig if they want! A lot of the big bands like Franz Ferdinand, Bruce Springsteen, Tim Burgess... they all come to us and say 'Can we do a gig in your shop?'. We say 'Yes please!'

What are the plans for Frankie & The Heartstrings in the future?

F: The future plans are... we've got Ross! And our future plans include Ross, full time member on guitar now, which has strengthened our side no end! Basically, it's a bit like Arsenal signing Messi Ozil. It should work out brilliant but there might be a few bumps in the road.
M: If this is going to be written down, call him Ross 'the pad' Millard. He likes to be called that.
There's also a side project called Ultimate Creeps!
F: But, it's going to be good because Ross is in the band now! We're making a great record in Leeds with a guy called MJ who is in a fab band called Lukeworms. It's going to go massive! We're going to be drinking pina coladas behind the counter instead of Carlsburg.
Ross: The Ultimate Creeps are a great side project considering they don't exist!

And, if you could be any musical instrument, what would it be?

F: I'd be a piccolo and Michael could blow me all day long!
A bassoon! I want to be a key-tar! It's a hybrid, I like hybrids!
You've got to be careful what you say, it could be offensive! A flute is quite delicate and nice, whereas a double bass-  that suggests big and fat.
Tell us about that time you played Gary Glitter's trumpet blindfolded, Dave...
D: It was an absolute mess! It just made a strange noise, like... *makes a strange, indescribable noise*
It didn't sound like a trumpet.
F: There you go!

One last question, we ask everyone! If you could be any kind of pie, what would it be?

F: Dave is a good chef. Dave is a foodie. I'm a vegetarian so I would have to be something boring like Spinach and Mushroom.
D: Spinach and like Goat's cheese?
M: Frey Bentos Steak and Kidney.
D: That's a hard one that, you know. I make a really good Caramelised Onion one, that's a pretty good pie. I call that one the 'Wife Pleaser'!

Phew! Thanks guys. That interview was fun.

Follow @Frankiestrings on Twitter and be sure to pop into Pop Recs, Sunderland if you get the chance.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Self proclaimed line up:
Dan- vocals/guitar/LSD
Paul- guitar/hair
Blair- bass/ graft
Fowler- drums/suit/ pulling girls with boyfriends

Kitch on stage

Kitch... where to begin? They're a crazy bunch, that's for sure! Playing their first ever proper gig in Tim Peaks, they're off to a good start. Surely this is an indication of what's to come- things are only going to get weirder!

Hailing from Scotland, these guys seem to create a buzz wherever they go. They're constantly excited or up to no good, except from that one ten minutes where they just felt a bit bored...

Adorned with Tim Peaks badges and headbands, they took to the stage with an energy that was immediately met by the audience. Within seconds, a swarm of super fans appeared out of nowhere and began to dance. Some were even escorted from the diner for psychedelic reasons*. Despite forgetting their mascot, this band played brilliantly, with my personal highlights being 'Pilosed' and 'Chip Shop'.

During their set, Dan was attacked by a rowdy fan*, but fortunately Blair came to his rescue, showing just how close this 5 piece are. The band also seemed to recall several incidences of pyro*, which are as of yet still unconfirmed...

I told you they were a crazy bunch!

Overall, this was a great set that won over several new fans. Afterwards, I was given a copy of the new EP, a review will be coming soon! We were also taken on a mission to the mud bath that was general camping, where we were lucky enough to meet Phil Mitchell, mascot to Kitch. Sadly, he didn't make it through the weekend, suffering from an unfortunate incident with a hammer and lost legs. However, the five minutes we spent with him were a pleasure. He certainly was a stylish peacock!

*Starred events were entirely fictional and happened only in the minds of the band.

Phil Mitchel

We also got to interview Kitch...

What was it like playing in Tim Peaks diner?

It was cool, yeah. It was busy! This was our first gig, well, our first proper gig! It was really different.

What's the deal with your mascot?

Oh, Phil Mitchel! He's a big, metal bird. I don't know what he does but he's our mascot.

And where did he get his name from?


We probably shouldn't tell you if you're going to write it down somewhere...

What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Write more songs and get as many gigs as possible.

And finally, if you could be any kind of pie, what would it be?

Cherry! Apple! Come and meet Phil Mitchel later on! We'll see you later!

Thanks guys! You really are a lovely gang.

Be sure to follow Kitch on Twitter, @Kitch_band
Listen to them on Soundcloud here-

Live Reviewing Workshop

Another tent we regularly frequented was the Academy. This was ran by The University of Cumbria and boasted an exciting line up!

As a budding music journalist, I was lucky enough to catch a workshop on Live Reviewing, ran by experts in the subject, Dave Haslam, Andrew Mueller and John Robb.

We were given insider tips and hints, some of which can be seen here:

  • Always keep your audience in mind.
  • The Five things to include: facts, audience, unique events, the music and your own opinion.
  • Be confident.
  • Before the show think of 4/5 key songs that might be played. Write about these. (you know, the ones everyone wants to hear!)
  • Always check your facts.
  • Give a visual description.
Although some of these tips sound rather like an English Language GCSE lesson, they will undoubtedly be useful. Some of you may even be inspired to write your own review!

During the session, we were asked to write a review of a gig we had recently seen. I chose to write about ONSIND at Indietracks music festival. If anyone fancies joining in, write a review and send me a message! It might just be posted on here.

Dave Haslam and Andrew Mueller

Robinson Boone

Not at all 'Fracked Off'
Robinson Boone on stage

After a delightful cold shower on Saturday morning we were up and off to Tim Peaks. Let the fun begin! First up was Robinson Boone, who played a brilliant set, leaving us not at all 'fracked off'.
Taking to the stage at 12pm, Robinson and his stolen (borrowed, I should say) violin player sat side by side, delivering a heartfelt and passionate performance. Despite technical difficulties, the violin was put to beautiful use and coupled with Robinson's guitar playing, created a unique atmosphere that couldn't be faltered.

The audience were treated to a range of songs,  including a few more political numbers, detailing Robinson's frustrations with the world. He even managed to capture that feeling of injustice but the inability or lack of will to change things perfectly, something so many can relate to but few express so eloquently. Each and every song was well written and the passion behind it clear for all to see.

As usual, the diner was packed by appreciative fans and those who just popped in for a coffee but found they couldn't leave! All in all, this was a brilliant set that really got inside of me. Robinson certainly does have a talent for song writing.

Find him on Twitter here: @RobinsonBoone

Dave Haslam House Party

At about 11pm we snuck off to the House Party to catch Dave Haslam. Nick had introduced us earlier in the day and this seemed like too good an opportunity to miss. A legendary Manchester DJ playing the House Party tent? Yes please!

We arrived, admittedly after getting a bit lost, and wormed our way to the front. Advantage of being small: turn up at whatever time and people will still let you past... just watch those sharp elbows! Dave took to the stage, dressed in casual clothes with his mud splattered wellies, as indeed we all were wearing. He had a relaxed attitude and was clearly there for the music too.

Classics such as 'You've got the Love' were played and after a few songs we took off into the crowd to see how everyone was responding.

Wow! It was chaos. Everyone was bopping up and down, twisting and turning to the fabulous beats. There wasn't a stationary person in sight, especially Dave's wife, who bounced the highest of them all. This is definitely telling about Dave's DJ style, highlighting his energetic nature and ability to keep the dance floor in full swing all night long.

At one point, the crowd became so wild the roof was blown off!...

Well, there was a small hole which meant we got dripped on anyway.

All in all, this was a fantastic set. We left the tent buzzing and headed back to Tim Peaks Diner. We knew we had to catch Dave in Tim Peaks on the Saturday and we did. It too was ace. (We saw Dave a lot over the weekend... we promise we weren't stalking him!)

Further write ups of Dave coming soon. Stay tuned to find out his favourite moment of the festival!

Bye for now.

Kendal Calling Rocket we happened to find whilst
lost and searching for the House Party

Wigan Young Souls

Midnight in Tim Peaks

Upon returning to the diner after a mere 30 minutes I was astounded. Suddenly, the dancers had become professional. None of that Dad dancing anymore. No! It was Wigan Young Souls, amazing 'Northern Soul Soulies' bringing 1960's black America to Tim Peaks Diner, 2014.

With the girls sporting gorgeous 60's vintage dresses, this gang shook up Tim Peaks and wowed the audience. Transforming the humble dance floor into one fit for Kings and Queens (well, spectacular dancers anyway), they certainly didn't disappoint, with every diner guest clapping along, calling out for more.

We were even treated to some fabulous spins and splits mid-dance, despite the ever shrinking dance floor making dancing rather a challenge! These guys really seemed to be in their element. Soul music is clearly their passion.

The midnight hour of Day 1 was complete. Boy, was it amazing.

Follow Wigan Young Souls on Twitter, @HighfieldSC and if you get the chance get along to Highfield Soul Club in Lancashire. More info here:

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Pusher put on a brilliant performance in Tim Peaks Diner.

At 3.15 the tunes began and the guests came, like moths to a flame, instantly and drawn by curiosity. Standing just to the left of the speakers, we had a great view of band and crowd alike, and watched as the band captured the audience and had them head bopping along. Being our first band of the weekend, we were wholly unprepared for the sheer volume of their tunes, and came away shocked at the intense wall of sound this 5 piece could create. Pusher really do push their music right at you!

With soulful vocals, guitar and ace drum beats, Pusher certainly were a treat, going down just as well as a slice of Tim Peaks Damn Fine Cherry Pie, a true highlight to the weekend. The band had a very laidback and down to earth stage presence, perfect for a Friday afternoon.

The lead singer seemed to be channelling Noel Gallagher in his style, with his low vocals blending perfectly with the music of the rest of the band. A great and dreamy atmosphere was created.

Pusher on stage

Afterwards, we caught up with the band for a quick interview. Here's what they had to say...

So Pusher, what's the deal with your name?


1: It's like the butterfly effect, I don't really know...
2: He does know. You always get things in life pushed on to you. It's a way of trying to push our music on to you.
1: That's it!

How do you feel about playing in Tim Peaks Diner?

1: It sounded good. I enjoyed it! Good crowd.
2: Very unusual... but good!

Could you tell us a bit about your musical influences?

Quite vast really, very varied! That's what gives us our round sound. We take our dance elements from The Chemical Brothers, Uncle... people like that. Death in Vegas. The guitar side comes from ABBA. Yes, definitely ABBA. Mark Lanegan, Deep Purple!

And your song writing process?

It's a secret...
We all come together with bits and join them together, rather than one person writing the song, although it does happen sometimes.

What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Gig. Gig. Gig.
We've got an EP coming out at the end of October, our single at the end of September and then we do a winter tour.

And finally, if you could be any kind of pie, what would it be?
3: Frey Bentos, any day!
4: Leek and Potato!
2: Custard!
1: Hey, I was going to say that.
2: Well, you can't now.
1: Apple then!

Thanks guys!

Pusher outside the diner.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out Pusher! Their website can be found here:

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Sunday vibes

Today has been busy! We've had chance meetings with The Fall and New Order members (more info coming later), watched Hot Vestry, Tony Husband and much more. Now we're waiting for Tim Burgess himself and Seahawks.  After a time change for Tim's DJ set to MIDNIGHT my excitement is uncontrollable! A DJ set by Tim at midnight in the coolest diner ever. What could be better? Absolutely nothing!
Tony Husband gave a really interesting talk this morning followed by a hilarious spontaneous drawing session which had the audience laughing and cheering along. Personal favourites included a drawing of the muddy festival, Tim and a frog in a tent (yes, this actually happened). Our personalised Tim Peaks drawing  by Tony will be coming along soon. We can't wait!

Now for Chris Cross, a magician who promises surprises a plenty!
Bye for now


We're up and in Tim Peaks! The rain just keeps coming and the floor is now lined with mud, but guess what... Tim Peaks Diner is still full to bursting! Today's programme is off already, with fabulous cartoonist Tony Husband  delivering an exciting talk and drawing how-to.
Yesterday we had the pleasure of talking to Tony, who is currently in the process of drawing a cartoon made from my words. I can't wait too see it!

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Frankie and the Heartstrings

Frankie and the Heartstrings put on a fabulous show. The diner was packed, with the audience populated by space aliens and humans alike. What does this tell us about the band? They're clearly out of this world. Or perhaps they're aliens.
The set included both new and old songs which were all well received, with the band calling each other 'Cosmic Owls' throughout.
Afterwards, we interviewed  the band  (inside their rather shrunken Pop Recs shop, which, incidentally, you should check out  NOW in the diner) and found they  were just as wild off stage as onstage!
Interview and full write up to follow.

Pusher and more!

Here is a short post written yesterday and continued today...

Earlier today we saw Pusher. The atmosphere in the diner was fabulous and the tunes had the entire audience foot tapping and swaying along to the beat in great admiration. Afterwards we interviewed the band and discovered they were down to Earth and up for a laugh. Full review and interview coming soon!

Now for The Tapestry, they are off to a great badges!

The Tapestry put  on an amazing show that, quite frankly, couldn't be faltered! Tim  Peaks Diner was close to lift off as the majority of the audience jumped for the stars in complete admiration. The band have an unrivalled stage presence  and  packed the diner,  almost beyond bursting point. What a fabulous hour!

We also had a chat with David Haslam, followed by watching him DJ in the House Party. A full review of that will be coming soon, but for now I can tell you...

It was a DJ set of epic proportion.

Earlier we caught Dave Haslam interviewing Andrew Mueller. It was an inspirational and amusing hour!

Now for Kitch and the atmosphere is one of foot tapping  and Saturday afternoon enthusiasm.

Bye for now, more later!  :)
(oh and Pop Recs have arrived with their fabulous tunes!)

Friday, 1 August 2014

We've Arrived!

The Day so far... (this post got delayed because of lack of 3G!)

We've arrived... Eventually! Two trains, two taxis and several hikes later we're unpacked and chilling outside on the Tim Peaks terrace. It's amazing.
Kendal Calling is a rainy sight, but there's a sunny atmosphere in the diner. You can't help but smile, especially considering all of the spacemen Tim smiling back at you.
Our tent is wet, our feet are wet, everything is wet except our mood.
Here's to a brilliant weekend!

First view of the diner!

(We're about to catch Pusher -updates later!)

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Writer in Residence

From today Kendal Calling is taking place in the Lake District. A very special diner is going to be there. That's Tim Peaks Diner, the fabulously thrilling invention of Tim Burgess, frontman of The Charlatans. Each year Tim, a carefully chosen group of talented individuals, ranging from emerging to established bands and talents, and a hyped up audience gather together in what could be considered the heart of Kendal Calling, the diner. Standing on a hill at the corner of the festival, this cosy diner attracts many, offering plenty of surprises and treats, sure to excite everyone. Tim Peaks coffee, Totes Amazebars (a child of Totes Amazeballes, Tim's very own cereal brand) and good music. It's not one to miss.
This year I'm honoured to be Writer in Residence for Tim Peaks Diner, a now three year running tradition, with past writers being Abi Gillibrand and Mr Pinkster. I'll be interviewing bands, writing reviews and informing you of all the happenings in what's possibly the best place on Earth.

Loryn, assistant writer to myself, and I will be setting off tomorrow and we can't wait! It's going to be an amazing weekend. Be sure to check back over the weekend and see what we're up to, and if you're off to Kendal Calling, don't forget to stop by the diner. You never know what you'll find!

Be sure to catch, amongst others: Pusher, Frankie and the Heartstrings, Seahawks, The Everly Pregnant Brothers, Hot Vestry, The Hummingbirds and Jasmine Needham, a 14 year old who is going to be performing an amazing cover of The Charlatans. Pete McKee, producer of this years Kendal Calling poster, might even stop by! With Kendal Calling taking a space theme this year, Astroclub has us especially excited, featuring 'other Tim Burgess'. We definitely won't miss that!

So join us, for what's definitely going to be a Totes Amazeballs weekend!
(Special thanks to Nick, for organising everything and being generally awesome, and to Tim for being awesome too)

Look out for this sign, if you see it you know fun lies just around the corner! :D

Tim Peaks Diner


Hello everyone... welcome to my new blog!

I'm Katie and I'm going to be writing about anything and everything that's exciting. That basically means music, gigs, festivals and any event worth shouting about! What could be better?

My home is Newcastle and it's actually a pretty exciting place if you look hard enough. Take the Ouseburn for example, there's always something happening there and you'll find out about it here.

I love music and could go on all day listing wonderful bands, but my favourites are The Charlatans, ONSIND, Allo Darlin', Pulp and many more... I'm sure you'll know them, but if not, check them out!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my blog. :D x